

Macho company has been found in 2000 by our family business (Dr. Askandar Hawrmani and Dr.Besrean Askander hawramani and Junaid Hawramani ) in Sulaymaniyah of Iraq.


Macho company has been found in 2000 by our family business (Dr. Askandar Hawrmani and Dr.Besrean Askander hawramani and Junaid Hawramani ) in Sulaymaniyah of Iraq.


Throughout the years Macho has worked together with its partners to increase their market share, improve products and develop new products that meet the needs of the Iraqi healthcare market.


Our standards of excellence, professionalism, innovation, uncompromising quality and high level of service have made us a competitive healthcare distributor in Iraq. We represent some of the leading companies in the areas of consumer healthcare, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and hospital care.


Star Laboratories

By the Grace of Almighty Allah, Star is the market leader in Veterinary medicines producing almost complete range of veterinary products. Again by the Grace of Almighty Allah, a break through came in 1995, when Star was shifted to the new modern well equipped pharmaceutical plant at 23-KM, Multan Road, Lahore with the aim of serving nationally and acting globally.


Medipak Limited, pioneer and trendsetter in infusion therapy life saving products, was established in 1982 under technical collaboration and know-how from M/s Fresenius AG, of Germany. It is the first integrated Infusion Solutions and Disposable Infusion Administration Sets manufacturing facility in the country.

Delorbis Pharma

Founded in 1989, Delorbis Pharmaceuticals Ltd as a leading branded generic pharmaceutical company, offers a broad portfolio of more than 100 pharmaceutical products. At DELORBIS, we are dedicated to offer a balanced portfolio of EU-approved branded generics in accordance to local therapeutic needs.

Business Development

Macho vet company regarded as a competitive animals health care distributor on veterinary medicine and branded products, vaccines , medical supply and consumer of animal healthcare products in Iraq.

Thanks to our experienced sales team, robust logistics network, and the large amounts of data and knowledge we have on the Iraqi market, multinational manufacturers may turn to us when they want to expand their operations into the Iraqi market.

At Macho Company we endeavor for successful, long-standing relationships with our partners.


Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

Goran Street,
Hawraman Building.


Email: [email protected]
Phone number:

